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Child Safety

A home, away from home

In their formative years, children spend more time at school than anywhere else other than their home. At school, children need a secure, positive and comfortable environment to help them to learn and grow. A safe learning atmosphere is essential for students of all ages, without that they are unable to focus on learning the skills needed for a successful education and future.
School Safety has been defined as creating a safe environment for children, starting from home, to their school and back. This includes safety from any kind of abuse, violence, psycho-social issues, disasters – natural and manmade, and fire transportation.
Emotional safety is especially important because it is often difficult for teachers and parents to detect emotional problems and difficulties in children. Bullying can cause victimised students to suffer from lower self-esteem and daily stress about their well-being.
Elementary School Zenith Edu Global School

Our Children are Precious to Us

The safety and security of our school children is of paramount importance to us. We always have a well-thought-out planned and rehearsed system of checks and balances for the security and safety of our children. These are being monitored and improved on a regular basis. All the suggestions/advice even may be sundry are analysed and if required are introduced into the safety and security system.
Some of the precautions will require your close and patient cooperation but we are confident that as caring parents, you will partner with us wilfully in this endeavour to keep your children safe, no matter how great the inconvenience faced.
The following are some important points which have been drafted keeping in mind the guidelines by the Education Department of Punjab and the manual on the safety and security of children in schools by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and the CBSE Advisories.

Zenith Edu Global School’s Checklist:

Safety and security of children from the time of arrival on school premises till they leave the school complex.


  • Students are escorted by the nominated class teachers to the dispersal area at the time of school closing.
  • No vehicle is to enter the school premises without the vehicle sticker. Students have also been issued with identity cards.
  • Students travelling in their private vehicles are handed over to parents personally. Authority letters are taken in advance if the child is picked by someone other than the parents.
  • Teachers do not leave before the departure of the buses.
  • Teachers are nominated to monitor traffic in the morning and evening and in breaks to have strict supervision.
  • A phone facility is made available to the students to contact parents.

Bus Safety

  • CCTVs, GPRs and speed governors are installed in all buses.
  • The Alcohol Test of drivers is conducted regularly and the record is maintained. A zero-tolerance policy for alcohol consumption is in place.
  • Bus dispersal forms are filled out daily by teachers before the departure of buses.
  • Students taking half a day/ or not availing the bus services for the day need special permission for the same.
  • Bus attendants are designated for each bus to travel with the students.
  • Police verification of all teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • All the conductors, drivers and bus attendants are verified.
  • All contractual staff is hired only through identity verification. Police verification is carried out for such staff.

Our School's Precautionary Measures

These are some general precautions we take ensuring the safety of the students of our school.

Suggestions/ Grievances Form

We greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions as they play a crucial role in enhancing our school's offerings and ensuring a safe and enriching environment for all students. Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us using the form below.

Suggestions/ Grievances Form
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Zenith Edu Global School

Under the able guidance of well-experienced school management from varied fields, Zenith Edu Global School is the solution to all your child’s needs.

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