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About us

Welcome to Zenith Edu Global School

Zenith Edu Global School is a hub of enriched learning experiences, prioritizing holistic development. With a focus on nurturing young minds, we foster a dynamic educational environment that embraces innovation and empowers students for a bright future.

We aim to inspire a passion for learning and equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

students in day boarding school about us

A School with a Great Difference

Global Standard Curriculum



Standout with a skill learning program featuring research-based curriculum from India, USA, UK, and Singapore that resonates with learners globally.

Comprehensive Growth



Our focus extends beyond academics to cultivate essential life skills, ensuring a well-rounded development approach.

Expert Educators



With experienced faculty, we offer personalized attention, fostering a supportive learning environment.

Transport Facility Available



We offer convenient transportation services, ensuring our students travel safely to and from our school.

Ideal Student-Teacher Ratio



At Zenith, we maintain small class sizes for individual support and provide a nurturing learning experience to each student.

Nutritious Meals Available



We offer on-demand nutritious, hygienic and freshly prepared meals. Crafted with care, we ensure that students get balanced and delicious meals. 

Students of Zenith Edu Global are not just learners, but future leaders in the making.

Principal of Zenith Edu Global School Principal’s message
Kawaljit Bhatti

Our Vision

At Zenith Edu Global School, our vision is to ignite a passion for lifelong learning and empower every student to reach new heights of academic, personal, and social achievement. We aspire to cultivate a dynamic and inclusive educational environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and a global perspective. Our commitment is to nurture well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically but also embody values of empathy, integrity, and resilience.

Admissions for the Session 2024-25

School Rules

  • All children should come to school clean and tidy in their school uniform.
  • Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. If a student is absent on account of illness or any other valid reason,
the principal should be informed about it immediately by a note from the parents or by the guardian of the student.
  • If a student continues to be absent from the school without a leave note for more than ten working days in succession,
his/her name will be struck off from the class register. Students are expected to be present in the school in on
the first day of the re-opening of the school.
  • Verbal requests through domestic helpers or relatives to allow children to go home before the school gets over
will not be compiled with.
  • Scribbling on the walls, desks and board is strictly forbidden. Any kind of damage done to school property shall
have to be made good by the offender or his parent/guardian.
  • They should not bring expensive things to school. School will not be held responsible if they lose them.
  • Carrying and use of mobile phones is prohibited. If a child is found in possession of the handset, it will be confiscated.
Repetition of the act is liable to lead to suspension from the school.
Chairman of Zenith Edu Global School

Dedication, discipline and determination are the cornerstones of academic success.

zenith edu global school logo privacy policy Principal’s message

Zenith Edu Global School

Under the able guidance of well-experienced school management from varied fields, Zenith Edu Global School is the solution to all your child’s needs.

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